Food + Drink

Savoring the Season: Preserved Meyer Lemons

It’s That Time of Year!  If you have been following my blog you already understand the excitement when the Meyer Lemons on my backyard tree are ready to harvest. Meyer lemons are the sweethearts of the citrus kingdom.  A mature tree can produce hundreds of lemons in one season. What do you do with a

Food + Drink

Savoring the Season: Roasting and Preserving Paste Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a funny thing.  If you enjoy tomatoes then you are easily lured into growing them.  It can be a rewarding experience, or not.  You will surely learn to share your bounty with Mother Nature and all her friends (BUGS and WORMS).  Last season I was on a kick to preserve my tomato bounty

Dirt to Table Experiences

Learning To Preserve: Mango Chutney

Mango trees growing-up were abundant throughout south Florida.  Neighborhoods were filled with backyard trees that were 35-40-feet tall.  In the summer branches were heavy with hundreds of ripe mangoes.  Companies would often scour the neighborhoods and offer to buy the fruit directly from the tree, and then would bring in equipment to shake the tree

Dirt to Table Experiences

Learning to Preserve: Easy Jalapeño Jelly

My gardening skills and ability to preserve my harvest are novice but, I am learning fast.  I shied away from preserving because I thought it was too complicated, and time consuming.  It can be time consuming but it is surprisingly easy.  Honestly, I find it relaxing.  It allows me time to just focus on the


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