Why the Wine Glass Matters
Cork Talk

Why The Wine Glass Matters

  A good wine glass helps you to fully experience the wine you are drinking. This includes noticing the flavors and aromas of the wine, and how the flavors feel on your palate. If you enjoy wine and want this experience then your wine glass absolutely matters, and you will want to put thought into

Cork Talk

Garlic Shrimp (Gambas al Ajillo)

Spanish cuisine is focused on creating dishes that use fresh ingredients reflective of the region it is produced or grown. Spanish olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, eggs, and the smoky spice of paprika are commonly shared ingredients you will find in many Spanish dishes. There is an intrinsic understanding that what grows together, goes together in

Cork Talk

Drinking Champagne in Champagne

“All Champagne is sparkling wine, not all sparkling wine is Champagne“ Champagne is a term thrown around loosely, and its confusing. The truth is only the grapes grown in the chalky soils of the Champagne region of France, can produce a sparkling wine called Champagne. The world of wine recognizes this distinction and respects its

Cork Talk

Pop, Fizz, and Clink

Gentlemen, in the little moment that remains to us between the crisis and the catastrophe, we may as well drink a glass of champagne. ~Paul Claudel Friends, when you visit this post, we will be celebrating the end of our first week in Europe. We are traveling with our European friends who we consider our

Cork Talk

Kick the Wine Can? Not So Fast

“A Good wine is the wine you like”     Let’s talk about canned wine, there I said it!  Are you aghast? Don’t be, its unbecoming. For a product that is meant for enjoyment with food, family, and friends, it sure does stir up judgement and raised eyebrows. There’s something special about popping a cork,

Cork Talk

Tallahassee Wine Club: Chocolate Cabernet Crunch Ice Cream

The Tallahassee Wine Club gathers to discover and enjoy wine.  My husband and I admit to being the novices and we learn a lot by just listening.  For us it is about enjoying wine, telling the story and having the experience.  Truth be told…. We have learned just enough to be dangerous. Our theme this

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