New York, New York
PUBLISHED ON: 11.24.2009
“In New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of-There is nothing you can’t do, now you’re in New York. These streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you, let’s hear it for NewYork, New York, New York.”
Alicia Keyes- Lyrics from Empire State of Mind
New York City is the largest city in the United States with a population of more than 8 million people. There is no other place like it, in the world.
Words are not necessary when describing our experience. The photos tell the story.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas
I SO ADORE New York City! There is no place like it!!Great photos!Lou Cinda 🙂
Woohoo ! Aiight ! So very glad you had a excellent time Velva…makes me so proud to be a new yorker : ) … Is that a pastrami sandwich there at the end…YUM ! : ) Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving !…
Lea Ann
I've never been. I have to go one of these days.
Schnitzel and the Trout
This is a favorite city. Thanks for the memories!!
George Gaston
Velva…. you lucky gal! Oh, to be in New York during Thanksgiving is a grand experience. Give my regards to Broadway!ps: If you can, go over to West 77th & Central Park West @ the Natural History Museum on Wednesday evening and watch them blow-up the Macy's Day Parade balloons. It is something really special! Have fun…
Inspired by eRecipeCards
I Heart NY… Before I moved to Kansas for the love of a good woman, I lived in NYC, upper east 86th between 2nd and 3rd… Take the 6 train and visit the Italian deli… Tell em Dave sent ya
~Lavender Dreamer~
Happy Thanksgiving to you! I would love to visit NYC some day! Love your photos!
Chef E
There are so many great places to eat there, and places to see, you have to go back, and back, and back…you get my drift!Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family!
Christo Gonzales
hey you were in my city – I hope you had the best time!
Alfred and Janet
Wow ..first time I see purple carrot, we have been to west coast U S A but not the east yet, hope to go and see New York
Wow!! That's one awesome corned beef sandwich!! Looks like a wonderful time. I've never been to NYC, but I've always wanted to go. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip 😀
What fun you must be having! But now I'm worried about your poor little eggs at home with no one to cook/eat them. Did you figure out how to use them up? I wonder if you can freeze some to bake with later?
chow and chatter
have loads of fun I am there next week can't wait!
Fresh Local and Best
These photos are terrific. It looks like you had a lot of fun!
Just wonderful.Happy Thanksgiving :0xoxops re comment … me too, I was going to mention it in the post, but I thought I'd just see who noticed it.
A picture is worth a thousand words. I'm thinking you had a fantastic adventure in NYC!Happy ThanksgivingGo Gators!Mimi
My Little Space
I think I prefer the food more than the view! haha…. Just kidding! Of coz, New York is the most beautiful city. However, wish you've a wonderful thanksgiving with your family & friends. Have fun! Cheers.
What awesome photos! I've only been to NYC twice on day trips. After seeing your photos, I would love to visit again. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
NY is tops on my list to take my goddaughter in a couple of years – it looks like so much fun!
Meals by Misty
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Looks like you have a lot to be thankful for 🙂 I really think you are my hero. Either that or you are one of coolest bloggers I know! Cheers to you!p.s. Keep me posted on the pepper steak!
Susie's country cottage
New York is one of my favourite cities in the world. I love it and your wonderful photos make me want to go back there now!!
AHHHHHHHHHH! Me needa dat sammich!!
oh what fun pics! we live to close to ny, but i still haven't been yet!
oh NYC, how I miss thee!!! And that Katz's deli pastrami is calling to me … *sob* (lovely post btw, thks for sharing!)
Not a day goes by that I don't miss NYC and wish I were still there in my little apartment.
I love NY!Happy Thanksgiving,Velva!
You got Katz's pastrami, you have plenty to be thankful for :)Happy Thanksgiving!
Awesome city!!!! I love it!!! And I'll have the mojito please!!!!!
Tina Marie
Love all the photos you posted. Wow, you had a great time!I responded to you about the potato ricer – go check out Browns Home Kitchen on Capital Circle. They have several kinds. I bought the $35 model. Works great.
Kitchen Butterfly
Funny…we both start our posts today with songs….Lovely. NYC makes my heart…throb! If you want a potato ricer…check Ikea. I got mine for about 3 euros….though I don't know what Brown's version looks like!
My hometown! Miss watching the balloons get blown up for the parade on the Upper West Side on Thanksgiving Eve. Happy Thanksgiving!
The Absence of Alternatives
I love this post. (I am loving a lot of posts tonight…) I actually have some tears in my eyes because I miss New York. Not that I grew up there or anything like that. I just enjoyed all my trips there. Thank you so much for all the wonderful pictures. They are like vignettes. Happy Thanksgiving, Ms. Velva!
I couldn't have written this any better myself. I love the pictures and that song. Living in New York is like a dream for me. It is the city that I was and always will be meant to be in. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning.
Hungry Dog
I love New York, am long overdue for a trip there. Great photos. Happy thanksgiving!!
Erica (Irene)
Thank you for stopping by my Blog and for your kind words.I love NYC……..and a while back I lived there for 8 years and I still miss it.Happy Thanksgiving!
Beautiful pictures. I want all of those tomatoes 😉 Happy Thanksgiving!!
My daughter lives there….I love it too! And it's wonderful this time of year!
Sophie Sportende Foodie
Excellent pictures, Velva! I hope you are having or had a great time exploring, eating & enjoying your self!I have never been to the USA before but New York tempts me a lot!
Lucia from Madison
I love NYC! Excellent photos and the food looks so good. What was the ninth photo? Looked like ribs but not sure…
Katy ~
Velva, thank you for posting these great pix. NYC really is amazing!
my kitchen
Beautiful clicks dear
Thanks! If you were visiting NY then I know it was a glorious one. There's no place like NY especially during the holidays with Macys' Thanksgiving parade kicking if off!~ingridBtw, Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!
Laura in Paris
THank you for taking me back to NY! I loved this post!
what a great photo tour of NYC!
Oh, I love NY. that last picture just kills me, I so want it!!!!!!!!
Hi Velva! These images made me miss NY so much.
Art and Appetite
Velva, belated HAPPY THANKSGIVING!I soooo love New York. Last time I have been there was 2001–a month before 9/11.Anyways, the food looks sooo good. Ooooh yum!
Cate O'Malley
Love all the pictures – mmm, pastrami!
Ana Powell
Hi VelvaCongratulations on your Blog and many thanks for your visit.Would love to visit New York, its a dream that one day might come true.Thanks for sharing your pictures.Lovely post x
Hi Velva, You've taken some beautiful pics of NY. I lived in Manhattan for 20 years and words cannot describe the excitement and energy that surrounds the city. Kooks like you had a great time. You have a lovely blog and I look forward to exploring it. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy Holidays!
Wow Nice post. It makes me remember all my sweet memories when i had been to New York. One more unforgettable moment in New York for me is the Eretz Kosher Restaurant, where i enjoyed all the recipes very much.