Dirt to Table Experiences

Dirt to Table Experience: Fresh Lemon-Herb Dressing in a Jar

Growing-up bottled salad dressings were the norm. Lucky for me, I was exposed early to basic vinegar and oil dressings made at home, and not in a bottle.   Why, would you purchase store bought?  Have you taken a look at a typical salad dressing label?  Basic vinaigrettes are a cinch to make and with a

Dirt to Table Experiences

Dirt to Table Experience: Fig and Vanilla Jam

My fig tree is loaded down with ripe figs. The feeling when I am pulling the branches down low to pull the fruit is a delightful one.  I am not even cussing at the birds who steal their fair share of the fruit. The small figs are perfectly ripe and their brown skins are soft to


Dirt to Table Experience: Fresh Summer Blackberry Cobbler

Blueberries were a bust this season.  I still have hope that I can locate and score a few pounds for the freezer. What do you do if life doesn’t throw you summer blueberries? Change your game plan and find summer blackberries.  By the way, the blackberries are rocking. Fresh Summer Blackberry Cobbler Serves 6-8 Recipe


Dirt to Table Experience: Blueberry-Maple Spoon Fruit

Blueberry season has arrived here in North Florida.  Each year, I take that trip to a local blueberry farm just east of Tallahassee, and pick enough blueberries to last me until the following season. Blueberries freeze very well. The idea is not to wash your blueberries before freezing them.  Also, you don’t have to use

Dirt to Table Experiences

Dirt to Table Experience: Refrigerator Pickles, and You Name it, Veggies

The summer veggies are ripening, and there are still a few veggies left over from early spring, and I am ready to brag.  My canning skills at best, are novice-not totally trustworthy. My ability to pickle lends me more a confident role in preserving my bounty. Until recently, I never thought about pickling vegetables. Growing-up

Dirt to Table Experiences

Sugar Snap Pea and Fennel Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette

Welcome to Spring! Fresh, light and absolutely delicious. Sugar Snap Pea and Fennel Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette Serves 4-6 Recipe from www.Gourmandeinthekitchen.com Ingredients: 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil or walnut oil 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons finely chopped shallots 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt 2 cups sugar snap peas,

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